
Risikooffenlegung: Der Handel mit Futures, Forex und CFD ́s birgt ein hohes Risiko und ist nicht für jeden Investor geeignet. Ein Investor kann möglicherweise mehr als das eingezahlte Kapital verlieren. Für den Handel sollte nur Risikokapital verwendet werden, bzw. Teile des Risikokapitals. Risikokapital ist Geld, bei dessen Verlust sich keine Änderung der Finanzsituation ergibt bzw. keinen Einfluss auf das Leben mit sich bringt. Eine in der Vergangenheit erzielte Performance ist keine Garantie für zukünftige Gewinne.

Offenlegung der hypothetischen Performance: Hypothetische Performanceergebnisse haben viele inhärente Einschränkungen, von denen einige im Folgenden beschrieben werden. Die dargestellten Ergebnisse des Kontos können in den Gewinnen und Verlusten stark abweichen. Einer der Einschränkungen der hypothetischen Ergebnisse ist dass Sie durch bekannte historische Daten entstanden sind. Darüber hinaus beinhaltet der hypothetische Handel kein finanzielles Risko – kein hypothetischer Track Record kann die finanziellen Risiken des tatsächlichen Handels darstellen. Beispielsweise besteht die Möglichkeit dass der Handel bei Verlusten ausgesetzt bzw. abgebrochen wird, dies kann die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse stark verändern. Des Weiteren gibt es zahlreiche weitere Faktoren die bei der Umsetzung eines Handelsprogramms nicht vollständig in der hypothetischen Performance berücksichtigt werden können und somit die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse beeinflussen können.

Testimonials, die auf dieser Website erscheinen, sind nicht repräsentativ für andere Kunden und sind keine Garantie für zukünftige Leistungen oder Erfolge.

Alle hier veröffentlichten Informationen basieren auf Quellen, die wir für zuverlässig halten. Die Angaben erfolgen nach sorgfältiger Prüfung, jedoch ohne Gewähr. Gute Ergebnisse in der Vergangenheit garantieren keine positiven Resultate in der Zukunft. Investments in Optionen, Futures, CFD´s, ETFs, Zertifikaten, sonstigen Derivaten und Aktien bieten hohe Chancen auf Gewinne bei zugleich hohem Verlustrisiko.

Unsere Strategien und Trades haben eine kurzfristige, spekulative Ausrichtung. Aufgrund der spekulativen Risiken, die mit Anlagen in diesen Wertpapieren verbunden sind, sollten Sie solche Investments grundsätzlich niemals auf Kredit finanzieren. Die empfohlenen Werte beinhalten spekulative Risiken, die im negativsten Fall bis zu einem Totalverlust der investierten Mittel sowie der Nachschusspflicht, d.h. Verluste, die über das eingesetzte Kapital hinausgehen, führen können. Beispielsweise besteht die Möglichkeit dass der Handel bei Verlusten ausgesetzt bzw. abgebrochen wird, dies kann die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse stark verändern. Des Weiteren gibt es zahlreiche weitere Faktoren die bei der Umsetzung eines Handelsprogramms nicht vollständig in der hypothetischen Performance berücksichtigt werden können und somit die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse beeinflussen können. Daher wird ausdrücklich davon abgeraten, Anlagemittel nur auf spekulative Mittel zu konzentrieren.

Die hier gezeigten Analysen stellen keine Anlageberatung dar, unsere Seiten sind daher weder eine Empfehlung, eine Aufforderung noch ein Angebot zum Kauf /Verkauf von Aktien, Optionen, Futures und/oder Währungen. Es wurde noch nie ein System oder eine Methodik entwickelt, die Gewinne garantieren oder Verlustfreiheit zusichern kann. Es gibt keine Erklärung oder Folgerung, dass die Verwendung der Methoden oder Systeme oder die Informationen auf unseren Seiten Gewinne generieren oder die Freiheit von Verlusten gewährleisten.

Die bereitgestellten Analysen sind ausschließlich zur Information bestimmt und können ein individuelles Beratungsgespräch nicht ersetzen. Eine Haftung für mittelbare und unmittelbare Folgen aus diesen Vorschlägen ist somit ausgeschlossen.

Die CFTC schlägt in ihrer Regel 4.41 vor, dass Sie Folgendes annehmen:

Alle Behauptungen über die Ergebnisse basieren auf simulierten oder hypothetischen Leistungsergebnissen, die bestimmte inhärente Einschränkungen aufweisen. Im Gegensatz zu den Ergebnissen, die in einem tatsächlichen Leistungsdatensatz angezeigt werden, stellen diese Ergebnisse keinen tatsächlichen Handel dar. Da diese Transaktionen nicht tatsächlich ausgeführt wurden, könnten diese Ergebnisse die Auswirkungen bestimmter Marktfaktoren, wie zum Beispiel mangelnder Liquidität, möglicherweise zu gering oder überkompensiert haben. Simulierte oder hypothetische Handelsprogramme unterliegen im Allgemeinen auch der Tatsache, dass sie im Nachhinein konzipiert sind. Es wird keine Zusicherung gegeben, dass ein Konto ähnliche Gewinne oder Verluste erzielt hat oder erzielen wird.

Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any trading account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown, in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical trading performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program.

One of the limitations of hypothetical trading performance results is that they are generally prepared the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical forex trading performance results, and all of which can adversely affect actual forex trading results.

Past results of are not indicative of future performance.

The monthly and composite annual results should be viewed as hypothetical.

In reality, the results do not represent the track record of the methodology originator or subscribers. This also means there is no guarantee that one applying these methodologies would have the same results as posted. Since trading successfully depends on many elements including but not limited to a trading methodology and trader’s on psychology, our website does not make any representation whatsoever that the above mentioned trading systems might be or is suitable or profitable for you.

In addition, it’s important to understand and accept that there can be data outages and server failures. The brokers system might not be functional, the auto trading servers might have technical difficulties and there may be times where communication between accounts, the broker and the auto-trade program are not functioning properly. This can lead to greater risk. Markets also do not always guarantee exact fills. Periods of fast markets can cause greater degrees of slippage and less than ideal fills. There can be no guarantee that your account will always be able to enter and exit the programs ideal entry or exit point.

Futures Transactions in futures involve the obligation to make, or to take, delivery of the underlying asset of the contract at a future date, or in some cases to settle the position with cash.

They carry a high degree of risk.

The ‘gearing’ or ‘leverage’ often obtainable in futures trading means that a small deposit or down payment can lead to large losses as well as gains. It also means that a relatively small movement can lead to a proportionately much larger movement in the value of your investment, and this can work against you as well as for you. Futures transactions have a contingent liability and investors should be aware of the implications of this. In general, the value of a future depends upon price movements in the underlying asset.

Thus, many of the risks applicable to trading the underlying asset apply equally to the future applicable to such asset. Futures are also exposed to liquidity risk.

CFTC Risk Disclosure:

The following statement is furnished pursuant to Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) Regulation 1.55(c).This brief statement does not disclose all of the risks and other significant aspects of trading in futures, forex and options. In light of the risks, you should undertake such transactions only if you understand the nature of the contracts (and contractual relationships) into which you are entering and the extent of your exposure to risk. Trading in futures, forex and options is not suitable for many members of the public. You should carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for you in light of your experience, objectives, financial resources and other relevant circumstances.

The risk of loss in trading commodity futures contracts and foreign currency can be substantial. You should, therefore, carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial resources. You should be aware of the following points:

1. You may sustain a total loss of the funds that you deposit with your broker to establish or maintain a position in the commodity futures market or foreign exchange market, and you may incur losses beyond these amounts. If the market moves against your position, you may be called upon by your broker to deposit a substantial amount of additional margin funds, on short notice, in order to maintain your position. If you do not provide the required funds within the time required by your broker, your position may be liquidated at a loss, and you will be liable for any resulting deficit in your account.

2.The funds you deposit with a futures commission merchant for trading futures and forex positions are not protected by insurance in the event of the bankruptcy or insolvency of the futures commission merchant, or in the event your funds are misappropriated.

3.The funds you deposit with a futures commission merchant for trading futures or forex positions are not protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation even if the futures commission merchant is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a broker or dealer.

4.The funds you deposit with a futures commission merchant are generally not guaranteed or insured by a derivatives clearing organization in the event of the bankruptcy or insolvency of the futures commission merchant, or if the futures commission merchant is otherwise unable to refund your funds. Certain derivatives clearing organizations, however, may have programs that provide limited insurance to customers. You should inquire of your futures commission merchant whether your funds will be insured by a derivatives clearing organization and you should understand the benefits and limitations of such insurance programs.

5. The funds you deposit with a futures commission merchant are not held by the futures commission merchant in a separate account for your individual benefit. Futures commission merchants commingle the funds received from customers in one or more accounts and you may be exposed to losses incurred by other customers if the futures commission merchant does not have sufficient capital to cover such other customers’ trading losses.

6. The funds you deposit with a futures commission merchant may be invested by the futures commission merchant in certain types of financial instruments that have been approved by the Commission for the purpose of such investments. Permitted investments are listed in Commission Regulation 1.25 and include: U.S. government securities; municipal securities; money market mutual funds; and certain corporate notes and bonds. The futures commission merchant may retain the interest and other earnings realized from its investment of customer funds. You should be familiar with the types of financial instruments that a futures commission merchant may invest customer funds in.

7. Futures commission merchants are permitted to deposit customer funds with affiliated entities, such as affiliated banks, securities brokers or dealers, or foreign brokers. You should inquire as to whether your futures commission merchant deposits funds with affiliates and assess whether such deposits by the futures commission merchant with its affiliates increases the risks to your funds.

8. You should consult your futures commission merchant concerning the nature of the protections available to safeguard funds or property deposited for your account.

9. Under certain market conditions, you may find it difficult or impossible to liquidate a position. This can occur, for example, when the market reaches a daily price fluctuation limit (“limit move”).

11. The high degree of leverage (gearing) that is often obtainable in futures and forex trading because of the small margin requirements can work against you as well as for you. Leverage (gearing) can lead to large losses as well as gains.

12. In addition to the risks noted in the paragraphs enumerated above, you should be familiar with the futures commission merchant you select to entrust your funds for trading futures positions. As of July 12, 2014, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission requires each futures commission merchant to make publicly available on its Web site firm specific disclosures and financial information to assist you with your assessment and selection of a futures commission merchant.


13. Foreign futures transactions involve executing and clearing trades on a foreign exchange. This is the case even if the foreign exchange is formally “linked” to a domestic exchange, whereby a trade executed on one exchange liquidates or establishes a position on the other exchange. No domestic organization regulates the activities of a foreign exchange, including the execution, delivery, and clearing of transactions on such an exchange, and no domestic regulator has the power to compel enforcement of the rules of the foreign exchange or the laws of the foreign country. Moreover, such laws or regulations will vary depending on the foreign country in which the transaction occurs. For these reasons, customers who trade on foreign exchanges may not be afforded certain of the protections which apply to domestic transactions, including the right to use domestic alternative dispute resolution procedures. In particular, funds received from customers to margin foreign futures transactions may not be provided the same protections as funds received to margin futures transactions on domestic exchanges. Before you trade, you should familiarize yourself with the foreign rules which will apply to your particular transaction.

14. Finally, you should be aware that the price of any foreign futures or option contract and, therefore, the potential profit and loss resulting therefrom, may be affected by any fluctuation in the foreign exchange rate between the time the order is placed and the foreign futures contract is liquidated or the foreign option contract is liquidated or exercised.